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Monday, April 16, 2012

We are on Twitter!!!!!!

You can follow us on Twitter @Alpha_JHDC

You can also follow Nikky Gumble @nickygumbel

Why Earth?

Hello world!

In Alpha last week we had an interesting question from a guest and we are curious to see what others think about this. Since God created all the planets, Why earth? Why did God choose earth to banish the devil into, though he knew he already choose earth for humans to live in? What happened to Jupiter or Mars? Why Earth?

What do you think? Why Earth?

Read and Share

It has been a while since we created this Alpha Blog and we have been struggling with what this blog should really be for. In the end we want you to come, "Read and Share" your opinions.

The Alpha Course is all about exploring spirituality from a Christian perspective. Every week in Alpha we get great questions from guests and also from team members, and we spend a lot of time sharing our opinions of what we think.

Now it is time to share it with the world yayyyyyyyyyy. Guests love that Alpha is non threatening and you can ask any this tech savvy world we know people will love to be able to discuss their questions and opinions online in a RELAXED, NON JUDGEMENTAL, RESPECTFUL AND NON THREATENING FORUM.

So there it is, we want you to come every week to "Read and Share." We will do our best to update the blog weekly and we will love for you to share your opinions on the different topics we share anonymously or non-anonymously if you wish.

If you also have a question or topic you will like us to blog about please send an email to

To find an Alpha Course running near you, check out

Thank you for visiting our Blog! We will love to hear from you.

Alpha Late Spring Session is On

From April 10-June19 Come and Explore the meaning of life

Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday Hangover

I woke up this morning an hour past when l should have gotten up, and not feeling like getting up not to talk of praying or meditating on the word of God i need so much to get through today. It was indeed a low point. I wondered on my way to work if l was the only one who felt this way. I did certain things and l began to feel better. Tell us what your experience was this morning and if it was somewhat like mine, what did you do? and l will tell you what l did

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Basi's Testimony Part 2


Let's just say I can never gather my thoughts when I'm around you all. I get so excited to share a testimony and never know where to start. Hence I start beating around the bush, jumping from the middle of one story to the end of another back to the beginning of the first. I've concluded that I need to start preparing ahead of time if I know I want to share a testimony, but the funny thing is that most times I get inspired to share a testimony when I hear others. My heart starts beating hard, that's when I know ok I need to share this or I wouldn't be at peace.

Like I started sharing last week, before I started/joined Alpha, I was in a dark place. I had lots of friends, yet I still felt lonely. There are times that you just need someone to talk to about issues going on in your life, or to seek advice on one issue or the other, but I didn't have that. I was going through a lot, family issue wise as well as confused with what I was doing with my life career wise. It was just overwhelming for me.
The funny part is people see me outside and think I am the happiest slash "bubliest" person on this earth, but deep down was just bitterness and depression. Mehn! I have to say I was depressed. There were days all I did was pray all day, and it always ended me getting so emotional, that it could be a song I'm singing and for the next hours, all I did was cry. I was so bitter and mad at everyone for no reason. Felt like it was me against the whole world or better yet like an angry old lady. Yet in the midst of that, I still had to put on a straight face as if all was well, especially when I have a younger one depending on me. During my emotional periods with God, one thing I always asked for was "Lord, surround me with people that represent you, people that are hungry for you, people that are more knowledgeable of you than I am, people I can run to in times of down moments like this."

And fair enough, He led me to Alpha and loneliness has been crossed out of the list since then. Through Alpha, I have met some serious great people mehn. As in, you wouldn't understand. God has truly blessed me through this Alpha. I feel like he blessed me way more when I actually joined the team. Just to list a few:

While I was taking the course, He blessed me with my grandpa ride (hehe old but does the job) after getting rides from nearly everyone you can think of at my job for years, I have to admit I've been embarrassed on several occasions just trying to get a ride from people even insults. But it's all good, baba God don bless me with my own now.

It was during my alpha experience as a guest that I learned to take that huge step of faith in pursuing what I believe God wants for me as suppose to what I felt was right to pursue. And immediately after that decision, I kid you not, I felt some kind peace like that like I never have in the past. It felt as if some load had been removed off my back.

At the start of my alpha experience as part of the team, I remember I was so nervous when Pastor Chinyere put me as a team leader. I decided not to say a single word when I was in charge the first time, that once Pastor Chinyere noticed that she would take me out and put me as a helper. I just felt I wasn't ready for a position as such, I needed to go upgrade my bible skills, knowledge about the religion skills, scripture skills and it goes on. I even told Shile to tell Pastor Chinyere to take me out as leader and switch me for something else. All was to no avail. I remembered Pastor Chinyere called me out while we were having the team meeting in the circle, and yet she still did not switch me out. I was like oh well, looks like I'll just have to suck it up and do something about it. But when I look back now, I am glad she did not. Being one of people that facilitates the discussions, I have been forced to read up on things and gain more knowledge on things I wouldn't necessary have on my own. Especially for the holy spirit day, learning those gifts of the Holy Spirit definitely came in handy today during my Foundation class exam. I am thankful for the opportunity.

During my experience as a member, I felt for the very first time the Holy Spirit in me. NEVER had that feeling before. I remember quite well, it was the Tuesday before Holy Spirit day and Pastor Chinyere had initiated that you all pray for those of us that could not speak in tongues. While we were still in the circle praying hard core, I felt something in my hands, but I was like "Hmm interesting", then Pastor Chinyere cut us and was asking us to pray for something, I was like "ooohh why did she stop us now?" Then we broke into small groups, and that was it, one of the memorable moments I have had so far with my relationship with this wonderful God. I felt it, the Holy Spirit in me, it was like a "re-confirmation" for me that truly the God I serve is a Living God.

Then it was the Holy Spirit day, team members and helpers were supposed to pray for guests. I was like "Nibo?! Me? Pray for someone? I can't even speak in tongues, I barely know anything about Christianity and they want me to pray for someone?" I was like I feel bad for whoever I pray for cause I was just going to do my regular prayer and after I guess we'll be looking at each others face. I remember we had to fast for that whole week which I already made up my mind from the very day they told us that I wasn't going to. For some reason, I felt I was excluded because of my negative size now. I said to myself "I'm sorry, but God understands. I can't afford to lose another pound". But somehow, He saw me through that whole fasting period. One of the things I prayed to God was for Him to use me in a miraculous way. I wanted Him to prove His presence and let it not be me but Him doing it all.
So Holy Spirit day arrived, the prayer ministration part arrived, and the team members and helpers were already going to pray for people. I remember seeing Leticia still praying on her own, then I walked to her, I asked "Are we suppose to walk to anyone and pray for them?" She responded "Yes", then I asked why was she not praying for someone yet. And her response was just what I needed to hear, she said "I will when I feel I am ready". And then I told myself "ehn me too I am not ready" So I continued to pray, I lifted my hands and I cried to God "Lord! Take my hands and replace them with yours, whoever I lay these hands on, please minister onto them". Seconds after I felt the Holy Spirit arrive, and then I turned around and was like "Oya let's go, Holy Spirit has arrived, who should I pray for fast fast before He leaves?" Now that I think of it, it sounds funny to me because I really was thinking that way. And there it was, I felt God use me for the very first time in ministering unto others. Not only did He use me, but that day I "re-realized" how strong "The Name of Jesus" was, I saw it manifest physically. Another confirmation as to how powerful this good Lord is. Another message I took home was that He could use anyone.

The following Saturday, still hungry for the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit in me via speaking in tongues, I went for my foundation class Holy Spirit day. It was like back to back Holy Spirit day for me. And there He blessed me with a new prayer language, and that same day my sister who was suppose to go out for a Halloween party with her friends, I got home that night to find her not dressed up in her halloween costume, but "dressed" as a soldier of God on battlefield praying in the spirit in the unknown mysterious prayer language God had just blessed her with. Like I stated, I was so nervous when I heard her. Funny thing is I had been praying earlier that He blessed her with that gift in a miraculous way.

Lately, since I come across lots of sick people at my job, I find myself just praying for them. Not necessarily laying my hands on them, but while I'm walking or what not, I just continue to pray for them, even for friends and close ones. Which I have to admit, wasn't really something I used to do before. Most of the time, I pray for myself and my family. And that's about it. I mean my faith in Him has gotten stronger, whenever I get minor pains or headaches, first thing I do these days is lay my hands on what it is and come against that spirit of pain or headache. This definitely saves me medication money, so that's a plus! ;)

Like I shared last week He just blessed me with a place not too long ago through Alpha as well in a miraculous way. I had been praying two days before it happened, and of course in a slick miraculous way He blessed me with it. This God just never fails to amaze me! It is way too many he's done for me. The list still goes on and will continue to go on In Jesus name.

Alpha has definitely been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I used to come to the church Jesus House, for years, but I never felt connected with the church till I actually joined Alpha. Through Alpha God has opened doors of opportunities for me, I have met great and wonderful people. Ever since I joined, all I keep telling my friends and everyone I meet is "Oh you should definitely attend this Alpha course that's offered at my church". My friends know me for leaving little fliers or the little Alpha cards that I got from when I took the

This whole experience wouldn't have been possible without God as well as wonderful people like you all. I just want to say Thank you to all of you and God bless you all abundantly in Jesus name.
